Customer relationship management for motorcycle dealers
Motorcycle dealers need simple and effective computer solutions to attract, track and conclude purchases from customers who are increasingly restrained in pursuing their passion (through regulatory, financial, legal limitations, etc.)
To modernize your customer relationship and allow your sellers to easily follow their projects, Select’up has set up CRM tools specific to the world of motorcycles, which take into account your realities and allow sellers to achieve results.

eSeller: the solution for motorcycle dealers
Motorcycle dealers, modernize your customer relationship
- Direct access to vehicles in stock & the customer’s file
- Receiving leads in real time on smartphone
- Alerts, tools for reminders and making contacts
- Reporting to drive ongoing business
Business interfaces and dedicated connections
eSeller is implemented at distributors equipped with:
- Winbike and Dealer Business (Everlog)
- Motogest (Logy’one)
- G8 (Futurosoft)
- Geimstar (Joshua Informatique)
- Vulcain (Fiducial Informatique)
- … and is adaptable to all DMS
eSeller: Official sales access to the Honda network, is approved by the manufacturer and set up on 25% of the network
- Generating business for the seller
- Promoting commercial efficiency
- Enhancing the Honda brand image
- Driving the business
- Knowing and using all customer information
Motorcycle dealers trust us